Are You Being Poisoned by the Foods You Eat?

The warm weather encourages the growth of bad bacteria in unrefrigerated food, which results in food  poisoning in the summer. Foods spoil very quickly, and sometimes we might not even know they’re spoiled when we eat them. Therefore, it’s important to to follow these practical healthy tips.

Cook properly – Undercooked meat is a breeding ground for the food poisoning bacteria,therefore avoid  eat, fish and poultry that isn’t cooked properly. While cooking make sure that it’s piping hot in the center, has clear juices and there is no pink meat visible anywhere in hamburgers, fish or chicken.

Avoid cross-contamination – When handling raw meat, fish or poultry, make sure their juices do not touch any other container or food item. Cross-contamination helps the bacteria to contaminate other food items that are around. To avoid cross-contamination, always wash your hands after touching raw meat and keep it in a separate container.

Keep your food refrigerated – Once you’ve cooked your food, don’t leave it around on the table for more than one to two hours. Keep it in a fridge as soon as you’re done with it. Summer is a great time to have fun with your friends and families. A few precautions about sun damage and food poisoning can help you enjoy it in a much better and safer way.


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