Migraine Tip3: Recognize the early warning signs of a migraine.

Many migraines are preceded by certain symptoms, called prodrome symptoms (early symptoms, such as the renowned "migraine aura", and changes in mood or behavior).

Taking special care to relax and to avoid potential triggers when you notice these signs may prevent an impending migraine or lessen its severity.

It's also very important to try to keep a positive attitude if you notice these symptoms, as the additional stress and anxiety can self-fulfill or worsen the migraine. Symptoms include:

Visual disturbances: About a third of migraine sufferers experience migraine with aura, a condition in which the migraine headache is preceded by visual disturbances, including the appearance of flashing lights, blind spots, or "snowy" vision. The aura may also manifest itself as tingling or numbing sensations in the skin or in the
form of auditory disturbances.

1.  Difficulty communicating or understanding people. There may be a difficulty in talking (less common).
2.  Stiffness in the neck.
3.  Mood changes, including depression, euphoria, and irritability.
4.  Increased thirst and/or fluid retention.
5.  Diarrhea or nausea: these symptoms often accompany a migraine in addition to, or instead of, preceding it.
6.  A marked increase or decrease in appetite.
7.  Sensitivity to light and sound. There may be jagged, shimmering, or flashing lights, or a blind spot that has flickering edges.
8. Fatigue or restlessness.
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